Traditional Family Law - Oloan Family Lawyers

I’m in Court and I need assistance.

Get started

If you find yourself already in Court and you need assistance, you should get in touch with us without delay.  Often there are looming Court deadlines and it is very important that you do everything you can to make sure you have the support you need to meet those deadlines.

Perhaps you are in a situation where you need to commence Court proceedings straight away.  There can be many reasons for this and again, we ask that you contact us straight away to discuss your unique situation.

If you’re ready to move forward and get your initial questions answered, please click this link to contact us now to book your complimentary, no obligation 15 minute telephone consultation.

Book a consultation

How can we help you right now?

Assisted DIY Separation – ONWARDS

We help you DIY your property and/or parenting settlement with our assisted DIY separation service, ONWARDS>>

Collaborative Practice

If you want to stay out of Court and work with your former partner to achieve a settlement for your family’s future, Collaborative Practice might be suitable for you.

Traditional Family Law

Many families that we work with use this pathway to reach agreement. The Traditional Family Law pathway does not necessarily mean that you will end up in court.